Issue 21 – Improve Your Juggling by Taking Notes

(April 2013)

Thanks for your patience. Previous newsletter was just over 1 year ago, but all will be explained if you read on!


Main Article – Improve your Skills by Setting Goals, Taking Notes and Using Lists

Sometimes as a Juggler/Performer you might hit a patch where you…

  1. Can’t be bothered to juggle (lack of motivation)
    2. Don’t have a clue what tricks you want to practice (lack of focus)
    3. Have no idea how you are progressing with your latest tricks (am I getting better at this trick or no improvement at all?)

The aim of this article is to show you how a bit of goal-setting, note-taking and the use of lists can help you to improve your Juggling Skills. This isn’t for everyone, but might make a difference in elevating your juggling to the next level. You can use pen and paper, or spreadsheets and databases. Entirely up to yourself as this shouldn’t feel like a chore! These tips could apply for much more than improving your juggling skills so feel free to adapt them for whatever it is that you are learning!

You can find the rest of this article here – Improve your Juggling with Note Taking.


2013 – Things Can Only Get Better!

You might be wondering why it has taken a year to send out the next newsletter (greetings to all new subscribers who haven’t received anything since signing up also!). The previous version of this website stopped working properly over a year ago (a lot of links refused to work) and I was waiting for the developers to resolve this problem before I sent out any news. They eventually announced that the only thing to consider was a complete redesign of the website and so work went underway at the start of January 2013.
At the end of January, way before my new site was ready to launch, I suffered a severe hacking attack which brought mine and a number of other websites on the same server down. It was going to be too costly for my developers to restore the old website, and so we had to launch my new website way before it was ready! This has meant several months of hard work on a live version of the website, before I finally (and very happily) officially relaunched the Jugglingworld website and online store at the end of March!
Let’s hope that the rest of 2013 goes better!



I now have 5 x 30min Shows aimed at Primary and Nursery aged groups. Latest show was performed for the first time in March and was entitled “The History of the Circus“. Ideal for Schools and Parties.
A 60-75min Gospel Juggling presentation based on the Parables is now also available for your Outreach occasion. The Parables Show
I have been booked to appear at a Christian Festival ran by CVM (Christian Vision for Men). It’s called the Gathering and there are a few tickets left. Visit CVM website for more info. Maybe see you there?!






My YouTube Channel now has over 80,000 views. I have sorted all my clips into Playlists so that you can find the type of video clip you might enjoy watching.


Please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel and if you can rate or review any clips you watch, I would very much appreciate it!


God bless
Steve Thomson
Professional Juggler and Retailer


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