Issue 8 – How to Recover from Dropping

 (Nov 2007)

The Jugglingworld newsletter is written for anyone with an interest in juggling as well as my jugglingworld website and online store. Many thanks for your subscription!

How to Recover from Dropping

First thing to do is try not to make drops happen at all! Minimise the chance of dropping by only performing tricks during your show that you know you can do 99 percent of the time.

Next step is to condition your audience so that anytime they see a mistake in the show they have to respond in a certain way. This could be a clap and cheer (if you are quite nervous being on stage then this can be quite encouraging and help you achieve the trick on your next attempt), or even a loud boo or shouting a certain catchphrase. Whatever you decide, by teaching the audience at the start of your show how to respond to any mistakes, it takes away the uneasy moment when your drops happen and everyone in the crowd begins responding in a different way!

If you perform in character, then stay in character when you make a drop. If you are performing to music, then you may find it easier to develop a funny mime or a piece of skill to get the dropped prop back into the air (with clubs, this could be a kickup for example). If you are juggling with 5 balls and drop one, this could be your chance to show off some amazing 4 ball skills! Maybe the audience will leave your show thinking that all your drops were completely intentional!

Here is a web page devoted to drop lines. These are some of the most standard drop lines that are in existence, so you may have even seen some jugglers use them before. It is therefore worthwhile adapting them to suit your particular character or personality rather than just learning them from this list and trying to squeeze them in when a drop occurs! Even better, write your own (and then tell me so I can use them!)


If you want to include in your show a really difficult trick that is likely to not work on the first attempt, then let your audience know how difficult this trick is. Build up the tension. This can allow you several attempts and even bigger applause when they share in your success!


When you drop, do not panic. Maybe attempt the same trick a second time if you feel confident, or just move on to something else entirely. It is very important not to look embarrassed or worried as this is not fair on the audience who are then made to feel uneasy. By preparing to allow for drops in any of your shows, you should be able to cope with anything that happens!

I would love to hear any other ideas, so please get in touch!

Fire and More New Products!

30 Fire Juggling and Spinning Products (a whole new section) added to the store, along with a fire safety page which includes links to a very informative safety video. Please note that before you even consider purchasing any fire equipment, your skill level for the item should already be of a high standard.



The brand new Babache Finesse G3 Diabolo is now available, and has superceded the excellent Finesse G2. All evolution kits work with all models of Finesse Diabolo. Also now on the market, and used by the World Class performer Ryo Yabe are Sundia Fly Diabolos. Kits for these diabolos should be available soon. Both Finesse and Sundia Diabolo’s have luminous versions, and I have added Babache LED Handsticks to the store, so your skills can be seen at all times of day or night!

Circus Skills Badges and Much More!

Circus Skills Badge Workshops page added. If you are involved with a Brownie/Guide/Rainbow pack, or Scouts/Boys Brigade, then a Circus Skills workshop will help contribute towards earning a particular badge, so please read this new page! Some activities I wrote for the BB Circus Skills programme have been published in their latest guide, so this should hopefully lead to a wider variety of juggling skills being used for their badge!


This is now the hectic juggling season between Halloween and CHRISTmas! At Halloween, I got to dress up like a Zombie and put on a fire show at David Marshall Lodge in Aberfoyle! I was one of the warm up acts for bands including Journey South and Bucks Fizz at Drumchapel Winterfest, as well as performing alongside the world renowned Te Pooka at Greenocks Fireworks Display! It was also a pleasure to be performing in Glasgow when the City won the Commonwealth games bid!


My next newsletter will be published in 2008, so I want to take this opportunity to thank you for joining my mailing list, being my customers/clients and I wish you a very merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year and look forward to your continued support in 2008!

Photos of Props in Action

I would really like to add some photographs in the tricks and store section of Jugglingworld of people actually performing the tricks I have written about, or just having fun with any of the props I sell in the store. This is your chance to get a mention beside your own photo on Jugglingworld, so please get in touch! I am also looking into the possibility of adding video to the site, so watch this space!

New Tricks Please!

Ran out of ideas for your favourite juggling prop? If you are a regular user of my Tricks section, and have accomplished all of the tricks I have written, then perhaps you can write some more, or get in touch and I will consider expanding the pages. If there are any props that you would like a tricks page written for, then please let me know also.


God bless
Steve Thomson
Professional Juggler and Retailer


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