Christian Kids Resources

If you would like to send me any Kids Resources, I would be happy to review and link to them from this page.

Heroes 2: The Bible Trivia Game (download as an app on your Mobile devices). “The Ultimate Bible Trivia Game will challenge you like never before!

Bible Games Central. Provided me with a couple of games (see below).

Parable Parade: Collect the Cards, Complete the Story (12 Parables which each have 4 cards), and stop drawing cards anytime before you draw the Oopsie card which means you have to return some of the cards! Once the game has finished, you can talk through the Parables that were completed using the handy reference and summary cards!

Bible Bingo: This game helps Kids get more familiar with the Bible and how it is organised, while also having lots of fun playing Bingo! Great reference book which also helps explain how the Bible is laid out. First person to get 5 books in a row is the winner (but we are all winners if we are learning about the Bible!)

Bible Games Central also provides lots of free resources! Be sure to check out their collection of Thanksgiving Games and Christmas game ideas.


I’m A Puzzle: Helping kids learn about why we hold the beliefs we hold is challenging. Which is why combining a jigsaw puzzle for the church-related study is going to make it much easier: I’m A Puzzle


Remember that I am a useful resource also! Gospel Juggling throughout the United Kingdom, but you are welcome to use the Gospel Juggling Videos from my Playlist on YouTube (please subscribe and share!)


Children’s Bible Tracts: These wonderfully created Tracts are ideal for captivating the wonders and imagination of Children while putting across the Christian Message. They can be bought in packs, and come in various styles such as Pop-up, and Animated Tracts (which contain a little hologram style piece of plastic which you put over each picture to bring it to life – see picture above)! The website will explain things much more clearly and also show you the full range to choose from!  These resources come from their other resources website:  Let the Little Children Come

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