Lateral Thinking Games for Kids and Youth Groups – Gameslist


One person is the psychiatrist and they have to guess the condition that the other children are suffering from by asking Yes/No questions. If anyone thinks that the Psychiatrist is getting close then they yell “Psychiatrist” and everyone moves seat and will therefore act differently. Conditions can be like “act like the person three to your left”.


Deduction Games

These games involve a person who “knows” the trick, and the rest of the group have to try and deduce what the trick is in order to get the action right. The leader will perform the task/saying and others try to copy it to see if they got it right. But it’ll only be correct if they included the “trick”. (N.B. These games can be incredibly annoying for some people…there should be a rule that players can decide when they wish to give up and be told the secret to the trick).

  • Everyone sits in a circle and the leader “draws out” a pattern on the ground with a stick/pen etc (e.g. a sun with two eyes, nose and a smiley face) and then passes the stick on around the circle. The “trick” could be to pass the pen to your other hand before passing it to the next person.
  • Sitting in a circle, the leader makes any sort of pattern/action they like, but must say “thank you” when you receive the object that is used in the pattern/action.
  • Crossed/uncrossed – a pair of scissors is passed round the group and you say “I pass these scissors crossed or uncrossed”. The scissors are really there as a decoy, what’s crossed or uncrossed are your legs!
  • Bang you’re dead – Leader points to another person and says “Bang, you’re dead” and everyone else has to guess who is dead. The trick is the person who dies is not the person pointed at, but the last person to speak just before leader said “Bang you’re dead”



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You can hire Steve the Juggler aka Stevie Vegas – for more details try…
Juggler for Hire section  –  (based in the United Kingdom)

I’m going on Holiday

There are three different versions of this game, but all three have a recurring theme. The leader starts by saying “I’m going on holiday and I’m taking a…(random item…e.g. blue hippo).”

  • The first variation is that the item you are “taking” is using your initials (either of first name or both names).
  • The second variation is your item starts with the last letter of the previous item mentioned, regardless of the fact if the person before was correct or not.
  • The third variation is simply prolonging the word “a”, as if you are thinking about your item. i.e. “I’m going on holiday and I’m taking aaaaaaaah blue hippo”.

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This text was originally created and published as part of a document for Church of Scotland Summer Mission (Holiday Club) teams by Steve “The Juggler” Thomson. This version was updated by many more iMPACT members who I thank for enhancing it with even more wonderful information!

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