Animated Juggling Gifs

Steve homepage flashysign  Animated gifs were popular in the early days of the Internet (the mid 1990’s) which is when I designed my first Juggling website while studying Information Management at Abertay University (Dundee) as part of my coursework. For that website, I had a page featuring juggling animated gifs I had found on the internet. The page took ages to load (everywhere was still on dial-up speeds back then), but it was one of the more popular pages on the website! Over the years since I have collected a few more animated gifs here and there, and to celebrate the relaunch of my website in March 2013, I thought it appropriate to bring these gifs out of retirement for your enjoyment once again!

Let’s start with the only one I have ever created for myself – this is my juggling logo, and this dude appears as my signature on most documents I sign!

jugglebug animation


Now that you are all fired up, we continue by looking at a few of my favourite’s before I unleash the rest which range in quality from excellent to extremely annoying!

Always an inspiration. The wonderful Luke Burrage continuing to be original and thinking out of the box
in every way imagineable!
 juggler animation
 How to do a head-roll.  headroll anim
You need to keep watching this one to work out what is happening!  watch and wait anim

This one was acceptable in the 80’s! The great news is that I have more followers than Pacman these days! You can find me on Twitter (@Stevejuggler) and Facebook (click on the links at the top right of this page if you want to follow me too!)


3 Ball Juggling

backjuggle anim                                      3ballcascadeanim                             3ball box

3ball shower man                                  burkes anim aidan              3cascade

cartoondude          juggle1        juggle4           boxk

jester1        juggleicon anim cartoondude2  mischer

4 Ball Juggling

4balls       vierballa             4ball fountain

5 Ball Juggling

Cascada5      juggler anim stickman


1447793206_youtube_circle_color 1447793208_twitter_circle_color1447793209_facebook_circle_color1447793246_pinterest_online_social_media1447793474_linkedin_circleStevie Vegas Instagram Account
You can hire Steve the Juggler aka Stevie Vegas – for more details try…
Juggler for Hire section  –  (based in the United Kingdom)

6 Ball Juggling

6ball fountain

Acro / Balance

AN561              AN952                        BARRELER

balancing books                chair balance             romaus


juggler shot

einr           unicycle-year3000-anim               anim clown juggler unicycle

unicycle1     unicycle2           unicycle3             unicycle4

 jump pylons anim

Shall we skip the rest, or do you want to keep going?


balloon blowup         blkyellow smiley bounce b          book juggler anim

calvin yoyo anim       juggles manyobjects      pjsulenb

spinplate      toothbrush-anim

Clowns and Jesters

clowns head            clown juggling anim           clown stick         jester spring

 Club Juggling

kick       clubs        eb

statue jugglingclubs        tobo

 Contact Juggling

contact juggling anim


1447793206_youtube_circle_color 1447793208_twitter_circle_color1447793209_facebook_circle_color1447793246_pinterest_online_social_media1447793474_linkedin_circleStevie Vegas Instagram Account
You can hire Steve the Juggler aka Stevie Vegas – for more details try…
Juggler for Hire section  –  (based in the United Kingdom)


diabarm             diabfu

Please note that I sought permission at the time to use most of these animations whenever possible, but if you notice one that shouldn’t be there, please just politely ask me to remove it! If you have found (or created) any more juggling gifs, then please contact me and I will be happy to add them.

laurel and hardy anim I hope that these animations had you dancing for joy
and as happy as these Comedy Legends.

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