30min Schools Show
Experience a Circus Show Skills featuring Juggling, Comedy and Magic! Your pupils will be inspired to talk, read, write and draw pictures about the Circus! Please check out the showreel (below) to see me in action!
Suitable for: Although it is mainly performed in Schools (as well as Nurseries, Holiday Clubs, and High Schools), it is also suitable for any other Kid’s events such as Birthday Parties, Brownies/Scouts/BB events, Fetes, Festivals and much more! Shows are tailored for the age group requested.
There is plenty of audience participation throughout the show, whether it is up on stage taking part in a routine, or singing along to the Workshop Song! Along with the juggling, magic, comedy and general mayhem, Steve’s show is packed full of topics such as the importance of teamwork, encouraging one another and perseverance. I can include other topics such as healthy living on request all tied in with the routines I perform!
These shows can last up to 30-40mins or I can perform for a smaller period of time (such as during a 10-20min School Assembly).
History of the Circus | A 30min show where I tell the History of the Circus (from Roman times to modern days) while performing with my Circus Skills props. Especially useful when the Pupils are studying “The Circus” as a topic! |
Word Circus | A Circus Skills extravaganza based around words, poetry, books – this was originally developed for the Scottish Poetry Festival (2005), and toured around Northamptonshire Libraries (Summer of 2011) and comes in useful for World Book Day also! |
Olympics / Sports | Developed in time for our glorious “Team GB” Summer Olympics of 2012! Filled with facts about the Olympics, and with lots of positive messages about working as a team, perseverance etc, it can be used to help promote Sport in general. |
A Day at School | Steve the Juggler takes you through a typical day at School, all the way from waking up and catching the bus straight through your School Timetable of subjects and straight out the door again (not forgetting homework 🙂 He does all this while throwing things in the air and giving quick lessons on each School subject. Mayhem, Comedy and Juggling at its best! Ideal for “Back to School” and “Last day at School” Assemblies. |
Custom 30-40min show | My usual show without one particular theme (or you can choose a theme and I will create a show)! Lots of excellent Juggling, Comedy, Music and mayhem! |
If you have a particular theme in mind for my performance, then please let me know. Some of the above shows only came together because of suggestions, so I am always keen to come up with new idea’s to extend my repertoire!
Cost: Pricelist is available on request. There is an enquiry form at the bottom of this page if you would like costings and more information.
Further Ideas: The 30min Schools Show is usually performed on the same day as one or more Circus Skills Workshops although I can be hired to just turn up and perform the 30min show if required. When the Children have attempted Circus Skills they have an even bigger appreciation of the show as they know just how difficult some of the routines are to perform! For further ideas, please take a look at my Schools page.
Secondary Schools Show – If you are interested in finding out more about a Secondary Schools Show, then please get in touch. I can tailor the routines to an exact age range, or the entire Secondary School. Usually done in conjunction with each Year Group firstly getting the chance to take part in a Circus Skills Workshop.